Wellness Sessions
Offering personal guidance for the return of your peace and wellness.
Mind. Body. Soul.

“Meaningful connection brings healing and the return to peace.” Trish Reiland

Meaningful connection

Listen Encourage Connect

I am here for you.
To sincerely listen, encourage, connect with you. To guide you in the wellness, the inner peace you are seeking.

Genuinely interested in who you are, how you feel, we gather information to establish a clear picture of your current direction, your life story. We review your wellness desires, questions and intentions. We affirm the lifestyle areas that are in good flow, assess the areas ready for a simple nudge or enthusiastic shift. We navigate together in your restorative process while celebrating your progress!

One Mindful Living Session gets you groovin’ in the right direction!

Book Your Wellness Session

Hit the button below so we can meet and consider together how Mindful Living Expert will guide you on your lovely, more peaceful wellness journey!


Wellness Session Offerings 

Energy Wellness

 Return to peace and wellness in mind, body, soul with a deeply relaxing, healing hands-on, energy opening, clearing, balancing Session.

stillness flow

Learn to rest, be still, at ease. Stillness flow is the gateway to your peace.
(some peeps call this meditation)



EFT / Tapping

Clear stuck emotional energy pathways to restore your moods and peaceful sense of well-being.


emotion code

Balance, renew your energy flow in mind, mood, body, heart and soul by releasing trapped, unprocessed, traumatic limiting emotional energy.

Mindful Living

Integrate conscious mindful living concepts in your daily lifestyle routine to bring peaceful living.
The Essentials of
Mindful Living

Nutrition Guidance

Establish a natural, well-aligned approach to mindful eating and whole nourishment.

mindful mondays

  Cards, Forks and Spoons!     Explore a variety of unique, mindful living and energy wellness techniques to enhance your wellness and being!

Intuitive Stretching

Be guided in connecting with the opening, ease and flow in your body.

Wellness Sessions are purposed to align with YOU and your individual wellness intentions.  Personal guidance to weave life changing awareness and practices into your routine, spirit and life!

In the spirit of mindful living, your Wellness Sessions are intentionally designed to take place in a location that flows best for you.
With phone or video Wellness Sessions. At my Huntington Beach studio location. Or in your most comfortable space. Your home sanctuary.  The beautiful beach. A favorite coffee house.

wellness session and program Pricing Upon Request

tune in to your healing vibe

Energy is everything!

“In you resides an energetic essence that when acknowledged, connected with and enlivened, becomes a transformative source of healing. 
Peace and Wellness.

What is Energy Wellness™?


Energy Wellness™ being aware, connecting with, taking care of your energy flow and essence.  Yes, that energy that is present, vibrating within you. How you feel in your mind, mood, body, heart and soul. Your energy flow may be low, disrupted, stuck by a variety of external factors, emotional traumas, debilitating patterns. Resulting in a plethora of symptoms that limit your ability to feel well or be yourself.

An Energy Wellness Session offers of a variety of energy techniques to open, clear, release, balance and restore your energy flow, resulting in peace and wellness in your whole being. Learn simple, empowering techniques to tune in, shift, and preserve your own energy flow. Life changing!

This is Mindful Living.

Mindful Living Tips

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